Chaos Magick is a modern esoteric tradition that has its roots in the Western Mystery Tradition and draws from various spiritual, philosophical, and psychological sources. The name "Chaos Magick" refers to the idea that chaos and disorder can be harnessed and transformed into a source of power and change, as well as the focus on the psychological aspects of magick.
At its core, Chaos Magick is about personal transformation and change through the use of ritual, visualization, and the manipulation of symbols and archetypes. It is based on the idea that the mind has the power to shape reality, and that magick can be used to bring about desired outcomes and changes in one's life.
One of the key aspects of Chaos Magick is the use of sigils, which are symbols created to represent a specific desire or intention. These sigils are often charged through ritual and visualization, and then forgotten or discarded, with the intention that they will continue to work in the background to manifest the desired outcome.
Another important aspect of Chaos Magick is the use of eclectic and adaptive practices, drawing from a wide range of spiritual, philosophical, and psychological traditions to create a personalized and flexible approach to magick. This approach allows practitioners to adopt and adapt techniques and practices that resonate with them, and to create their own unique system of magick.