Runes, the ancient alphabets of Northern Europe, have a rich history steeped in spirituality and mysticism. The Elder Futhark, the oldest Northern European rune system, comprises 24 letters that are divided into three Aettir, or initiation degrees. Each rune holds a plethora of meanings that can be applied in various contexts and when combined with other runes.
The practice of carrying these magical tools, such as bone, stone, or wooden rune stones, was essential for shamans or spirit walkers in Northern Europe. These runes were used for healing, meditation, divination, and understanding the universe. The runes acted as a gateway for individuals in the physical world to connect with the eternal presence of the spirit world.
To deepen one's understanding of the runes is to deepen one's understanding of the spirit realm. The runes offer a glimpse into the mysteries of the universe and provide insight into the workings of the natural and spiritual worlds. They serve as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, allowing individuals to connect with the eternal presence